Lathyrus inconspicuus

Lathyrus inconspicuus

 Yılan mürdümüğü

Erect annual, 10-35 cm, glabrous or pubescent. Stems not winged. Leaves all aristate, or the upper ones bearing simple tendrils; leaflets 1-paired, linear-lanceolate, 15-60 x 1-7 mm; stipules lanceolate acuminate, semi-sagittate. Flowers solitary, small, the stalk usually shorter than the petiole. Calyx 4-5 mm; teeth equal, lanceolate, 1-1 ½ x as long as tube. Corolla lavender, often with whitish wings, rarely all white, 7-9 mm. Legume linear, 35-50 x 4-5 mm, erect, glabrous or subadpressed-pubescent, obscurely nerved. Seeds 7-11, smooth. Fl. 4-5. In corn and fallow fields, nr. s. l.-1500 m.
1. Plant glabrous ; legume 35-55 rnrn; seeds 2.8-3.8 rnrn, smooth ..var. inconspicuus 
1. Plant densely pubescent; legume 26-38 mm; seeds 1.8-2.5 rnm, papillose ................. var. stenophyllus 
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