Lathyrus karsianus

Lathyrus karsianus

Kars burçağı

Erect, glabrous perennial. Stems wingless, slender but rigid, 35-60 cm, unbranched, arising from a scarcely creeping, woody stock. Median leaves always pinnate, aristate; rachis 4-13 mm; leaflets 3-4-paired, linear to lanceolate-linear, 30-60 x 2,5-5 mm, c. 5-parallel-veined; stipules lanceolate subulate, very much longer than the 2-7 mm petiole. Peduncles 3-7, usually 2 x the leaves, rather closely 5-9-flowered. Flowers lavender blue with paler wings, 17-22 mm. Calyx 6-8 mm; teeth ± unequal, the lowest lanceolate, ½ as long to nearly as long as tube. Style linear, scarcely dilated above, 4-5 x 0,5 mm. Legume linear, 4060 x 4-5 mm, glabrous. Fl. 6-7. Banks, rocky places and meadows at the edge of Pinus sylvestris forest, 2000-2300 m.

Endemic; Euro-Sib. element?

  • 259
  • 0
  • 0
  • 285
  • 4
  • 0
  • 275
  • 2
  • 0