Lathyrus laxiflorus

Lathyrus laxiflorus

 Ssp angustifolius: İnce burçak; Ssp laxiflorus: Deli burçak

Perennial, spreading-pilose to glabrous. Stems angled, branched, 15-40 cm, diffusely procumbent or ascending, arising from a tuberous woody stock . Leaves shortly aristate or sometimes ending in a simple tendril; leaflets 1-paired, ovate, broadly elliptic or sometimes lanceolate, acute or acuminate, 10-40 x 4-18 mm, parallel-veined; stipules ovate-acuminate or sometimes ovate-lanceolate, c. as broad as the leaflets or sometimes broader, unequally sagittate. Peduncles ± closely 3-6-flowered, longer than the leaves. Calyx 8-13 mm; teeth narrowly lanceolate, 2-3 x longer than tube. Corolla lavender or violet, 15-20 mm; keel whitish. Legume broadly linear, 30-45 x4-5 mm, gland-dotted, subadpressed-pilose or rarely glabrous.
1. Leaflets ovate to broadly elliptic, less than 3 x as long as broad, about as wide as stipules; leaves shortly aristate; legume always hairy ...........subsp.laxiflorus 
1. Leaflets lanceolate, more than 3 x longer than broad, usually narrower than stipules; upper leaves ending in tendril or sometimes aristate; legume hairy or glabrous ................................................subsp. angustifolius