Lathyrus stenophyllus

Lathyrus stenophyllus

Alanya burçağı
Diffuse or ascending, very slender, glabrous annual, with the facies of L. setifolius. Stems narrowly winged, 40-70 cm. Leaflets 1-paired, always narrowly linear ; stipules narrowly lanceolate, c. as broad as stem. Peduncle 1-flowered; usually slightly shorter to longer than leaves. Calyx 7-9 mm; teeth 1 1/2-3 x as long as tube. Corolla 12-16 mm, white suffused with rose, or clear pink with purplish wings. Legumes narrowly oblong, 35-45 x 9-10 mm, attenuate-beaked, upper suture shortly 3-keeled; style 7-8 mm. Distinguished from narrow-leaved variants of L. cicera  by its somewhat narrower stipules, different flower colour, longer peduncles, usually larger fruits, and longer style. Fl. 4-6. Rocky limestone slopes, Pinus brutia forest, macchie, in herbage, nr. the coast.
Crete & W. Syria? E. Medit. element. 
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