Trifolium pratense

Trifolium pratense

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Erect to decumbent perennial, 20-60 cm. Stipules ovate-lanceolate, free portion abruptly mucronate or cuspidate. Leaflets 1,5-3,0 cm, obovate to broadly elliptic. Inflorescence globose to ovoid, 0,7-2,2 cm wide, sessile or rarely pedunculate, usually with an involucre of stipules of diminished leaves. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 10-nerved patulous-hairy, rarely glabrous; throat of the tube open with an annular, hairy thickening. Corolla reddish-purple to pink, rarely whitish, 13-18 mm. Fl. 5-9. Meadows, roadsides, forest clearings etc., s.l.-2300 m.
1. Stems usually 20-40 cm, densely adpressed-hairy; leaflets 1,5-3,0 cm var. pratense
1. Stems 40-70 cm, solid or hollow, patulous hairy or glabrous; leaflets 3-5 cm
   2. Stems patently hairy; corolla deep red var. americanum
   2. Stems glabrescent or glabrous; corolla usually pink var. sativum