Quercus ilex

Quercus ilex

 Pırnal meşesi

Evergreen tree to 12-15 m or tall shrub; young shoots densely stellate-tomentose, yellowish-brown; buds c. 2 mm, tomentose; stipules prominent, deciduous. Leaves distributed over branches, narrowly oblong-elliptic to ovatelanceolate, acute at apex, base cuneate to rounded, coriaceous, c. 3-7.5 x 1.5-4 cm, usually entire, occasionally sharply serrate; veins c. 10, inconspicuous; glabrous or almost so above, yellowish or pale brown beneath, densely and tightly adpressed stellate-tomentose; petiole 3-10 mm. Peduncle stout, to 9 mm. Fruit maturing in one year. Cupule campanulate-hemispherical, c. 15 mm diam., c. 18 mm long, greyish-brown, scales narrowly lanceolate, loosely adpressed, pubescent; acorn 1/2-2/3 exserted, narrowly conical towards apex. Fr. 8. Slopes with Laurus, Phillyrea, Carpinus etc., in macchie, s.l.-450 m.
W. Mediterranean area. Medit. element.
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