Lamium garganicum

Lamium garganicum

 Ssp garganicum: Bol balıcak; Ssp striatum: Tel balıcak

Perennial, often sprawling over rocks, sometimes forming mats. Stems 6-45 cm, villous to glabrous. Leaves broadly ovate to reniform, lamina 3-52 x 3-46 mm, crenate or serrate, villous to ± glabrous. Verticillasters 1-5, 4-8-flowered. Bracteoles 3-9 mm. Calyx 8-18 mm, tube glabrous to pubescent or sparingly villous, 5-10 mm; teeth 2-9 mm. Corolla purplish-pink , with purple-striate tube and usually a large purple blotch on lower lip, 22-40 mm; tube straight , without annulus, 14-29 mm; upper lip 6-16 mm, deeply or shortly bifid, emarginate, retuse or ± entire, the lobes themselves sometimes with notched to bifid apices; lower lip 6-20 mm, lateral lobes without or occasionally with a short subulate appendage. Nutlets 2.5-3.5 x 1.3-1.6 mm, blackish-green or brown, usually with a few paler spots.
 1. Corolla white with purple veins and bluish-purple blotches at tips of both lips; tube slightly curved; plant mat-forming, with very densely whitish-villous leaves g. subsp. pulchrum 
 1. Not as above
           2. Stems villous
               3. Glandular only in inflorescence b. subsp. reniforme
               3. Glandular throughout
                         4. Corolla 34-40 mmf. subsp. lasioclades 
                         4. Corolla 2 5-3 2 mm
                                5. Calyx teeth subequal to tube b. subsp. reniforme
                                5. Calyx teeth shorter than tube e. subsp. rectum 
           2. Stems glabrous to densely pubescent 
                  6. Upper lip of corolla deeply bifid, lobes 3-5.5 mm
                    7. Bracteoles 4-7 mm ...................................................a. subsp. striatum
                    7. Bracteoles c. 3 mm ..................................................b. subsp. reniforme 
                 6. Upper lip of corolla shortly bifid to subentire, lobes 0-2.5 mm
                    8. Hairs of stem more than 0.5 mm ..............................b. subsp. reniforme
                        8. Hairs of stem 0-0.5 mm
                            9. Median leaves longer than 40 mm
                                  10. Leaf incisions 5-5.5 mm deep ................a. subsp. striatum
                                  10. Leaf incisions 1-4.5 mm deep
                                          11. Erect  ..................d. subsp. laevigatum
                                          11. Sprawling or ascending ......b. subsp. reniforme
                            9. Median leaves less than 40 mm
                                 12. Leaves dentate or acutely crenate c. subsp. nepetifolium 
                                 12. Leaves obtusely crenate
                                        13. Calyx teeth 3/4-9/10x tube b. subsp. reniforme
                                        13. Calyx teeth 1/2-2/3 X tube
                                            14. Stems pubescent, hairs 0.2-0.3 mm a. subsp. striatum
                                            14. Stems ± glabrous or puberulent, hairs usually less than   0.1 mm, never  exceeding 0.2 mm