Fritillaria amana

Fritillaria amana

 Maraş lalesi

Syn: F. hermonis subsp. amana
Bulb to 2 cm diam., often with bulblets, sometimes stoloniferous. Stem 8-35 cm, smooth. Leaves 5-6, all alternate, lanceolate or oblong, acute; lowest 4-10 x 1-2 cm. Flowers 1-2; perianth broadly campanulate, green, with fascia, tessellated or marked purple or brown; outer segments 2.5-3.5 x 0.7-1.2 cm, inner 1-1.5 cm broad. Nectaries ovate, 4 x 3 mm, green or blackish, usually edged brown, at angle of bell. Filaments 0.8-1 cm, papillose. Style 8-12 mm, papillose, 3-fid for 3-4 mm. Capsule not winged. Fl. 4-5. Screes and rocky places, often in shade, 1400-1680 m.
Lebanon, Anti-Lebanon. E. Medit. element?