Chaenorhinum minus

Chaenorhinum minus

Ssp anatolicum: Ana balıkağzı; Ssp minus: Balıkağzı
Erect slender annual, 10-40 cm, glandular-pubescent. Stems usually flexuous and laxly branched. Lowest cauline leaves oblanceolate, subpetiolate, median linear-oblanceolate, subsessile. Racemes elongate, lax; pedicels 8-18 mm in fruit, ascending-erect, equalling or longer than leaf-like bracts. Calyx lobes 2-3 mm in flower, oblong-linear, erect and elongating in fruit. Corolla mauve, 6-7 mm; spur 2-3 mm, cylindrical or tapering, subacute. Capsule broadly ellipsoid, as long as or slightly longer than calyx. Seeds 0,5-0,7 mm, blackish, oblong-ellipsoid, ribs low, often sinuate, entire, eroded or verrucose, lower than width of minutely and subobtusely papillose valleculae . Fl. 6-8.
1. Seeds 0,5-0,7 mm, ribs with entire or eroded margin; capsule 4-5 mm; bracts usually as long as fruiting pedicels ............subsp. minus , 
1. Seeds 0,5 mm, ribs obtusely dentate almost to base ; capsule 3-4 mm; bracts usually shorter than fruiting pedicels ............................subsp. anatolicum 
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