Cymbalaria microcalyx


Cymbalaria microcalyx


Hoş nakkaşotu
Trailing slender saxatile perennial, persistently pilose or shortly villous on stems and leaves . Petiole usually much longer than lamina; lamina cordate-orbicular to reniform, 6-30 mm broad, subentire to 3-5-lobed to half-way, lobes very obtuse to subacute. Pedicels filiform, recurved to crevices in fruit. Calyx lobes 0,5-1 mm. Corolla 7-9 mm, white or pale lilac/upper lip violet-veined/palate yellow; spur 2·5-4 mm. Capsule lanate  or very sparsely puberulent to glabrous . Seeds ± equal, 1-1,3 mm, ovoid, blackish, regularly reticulate-foveolate in subsp. dodekanesi; or reticulate-foveolate with irregular ridges often drawn out to a triangular point  in subsp. acutiloba. FI. 3-5. Limestone rocks nr the coast, 30-700 m.
Jugoslavia, Albania, Greece, Aegean. E. Medit. element. 
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