Globularia anatolica

Globularia anatolica

Ana küreçiçeği

Suffruticose cushion-forming perennial, with much branched stem. Each rosette with 3_4 loosely arranged leaves. Sterile shoots present, with 3-6 leaves. Dead stems persistent between living stems. Stem 22-40 cm tall, virgate, erect. The whole plant glabrous . Basal leaves narrowly obovate_oblanceolate, 7-13x2-4 mm, gradually narrowed to the petiole,9obtuse with undulate margin, flat, thick, with the main nerve indistinct, caducous. Cauline leaves 10_30, the lower similar to the basal leaves, the median and upper distant, narrowly lanceolate to linear, acute to acuminate, gradually decreasing in size towards the inflorescence. Capitula 1-4, terminal and lateral capitula similar, irregularly dispersed along the upper part of the stem, 3-5x2-4 mm, obovate or rarely obovate_sub-globose, mostly sessile or occasionally shortly pedunculate. Involucral bracts broadly elliptic to oblanceolate, 2.5-3.0 mm long, obtuse to acute, glabrous inside, sparsely hairy outside and distinctly ciliate along margins. Calyx bilabiate, 2.0-2.5x0.7-1.0 mm, divided to l/3. The two lower calyx teeth ca 1 mm, the three upper narrower and shorter, ca 0.5 mm; teeth margins and veins longly ciliate but only sparsely hairy or9glabrous between the veins. Corolla glabrous, bilabiate, 4.0-4.5 mm long, conspicuously longer than the calyx, pale blue_violet; tube ca 2 mm, equal to or shorter than calyx, divided to the middle; the upper two lobes very narrow, linear_filiform, ca 2x 0.20-0.25 mm, uni-nerved, slightly shorter than the lower 3 lobes; lower lobes oblong_lanceolate, obtuse, ca 2-0.4 mm, with 3 nerves each. Stamens 4, epipetalous, exserted. Style exserted; stigma 2-lobed. Achenes ca 2-0.7 mm, narrowly elliptic to cylindrical, brownish, glossy, smooth, included in the persistent calyx. Flowers in July and fruits in August.


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