Plantago coronopus

Plantago coronopus

 Ssp commutata: Çığnak; Ssp coronopus: Boğaotu

Annual or perennial, 9-40 cm, shortly adpressed-hirsute. Leaves 3-22 x 0.5-2.5 cm, oblong-lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, dentate to bipinnatifid, rarely entire; lobes linear-lanceolate, entire or dentate, margins sparsely ciliate, hairs septate. Scapes tomentose. Spike narrowly cylindrical. Bracts 2-3 mm, with short adpressed stiff hairs on margin near apex; keel strong. Anterior sepals elliptic, 2-3 mm, keel thickened, lateral regions of lamina narrow, keel and apex pubescent, ciliate; posterior 2.5-3 mm, plicate-concave, keel thickened, with weakly ciliate wing, hirsute. Corolla tube 2-3 mm, lobes 1 mm. Anthers purple. Capsule ellipsoid-ovoid, 3-locular.
1. Scapes 4-35 cm, thin; spikes 1-25 cm, narrowly cylindrical, lax or ± dense; bracts abruptly attenuate, shorter or longer than sepals; keel of anterior sepals narrow subsp. coronopus 
1. Scapes 2.5-13 cm, thick, fleshy; spikes 2.5-8.5 cm, cylindrical, with dense imbricate flowers; bracts ovate, acuminate, usually shorter than or equal to sepals; keel of anterior sepals broad, thick subsp. commutata 
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