Aegilops speltoides


Aegilops speltoides


Ak buğdayanası
Slender tufted annual, 20-70 cm, Upper leaf blade linear-lanceolate, 2-3 mm broad, glabrous, pilose or ciliate. Spike 3-25 cm , linear-oblong or narrowly cylindrical, with 6-13 spikelets; rachis disarticulating in fruit or spike falling entire. Vestigial spikelets 1. Lateral spikelets oblong-lanceolate, 8-14 mm; glumes oblong, truncate and muticous, 5-9 mm, c. half as long as rachis segments, asymmetrical, veins parallel and of unequal width; florets 4, lemmas c. 2 x glumes, muticous or 1-awned, Uppermost spikelet with 2 lower lemmas each attenuate into a setaceous 2-12 cm awn. 2n = 14. Fl. 5-6.
1. Axis persistent in fruit; rachis segments abruptly incurved at base, c. 2 x glumes; lateral spikelets lacking awns var. speltoides
1. Axis disarticulating in fruit; rachis segments scarcely curved at base, c. As long as glumes; lateral spikelets with awned lemmas var. ligustica
Distribution of species: W. Syria, Iraq, Iran. 
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