Echinaria capitata

Echinaria capitata


Annual. Stems tufted, 4-30 cm, striate. Leaf sheaths strongly veined, scabridulous. Ligule lacerate, hairy. Leaf blades linear-lanceolate, 4-7.5 x 0.2 cm, acute to acuminate, green, scabrid. Inflorescence ovoid, becoming ovoid-globose and prickly at maturity, 8-15 mm. Lower glume mem branous, lacerate , to 3 mm, dorsally scabrid, with 2 veins exserted; upper glume similar but usually with 1 vein more strongly developed. Lemma coriaceous, broadly elliptic, 2-2.5 mm, awns scabridulous, reflexed at maturity, longest awn exserted to 6 mm. Palea 2-2.3 mm, with hyaline margin. Lodicules lanceolate-denticulate.  Anthers oblong, 1-1.2 mm, yellow. Caryopsis 2 mm, dark brown, pubescent in upper third. Fl. 4-6;fr. 7-10. Dry rocky limestone slopes in open Quercus ilex and Juniperus scrub, basalt, shallow gullies, disturbed steppe and fallow fields, 400-1650 m,
S. Europe, Cyprus, W. Syria.
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