Anabasis aphylla

 Anabasis aphylla


 Undershrub, 30-75 cm high, forming clumps with several to many equal stems, in living condition dark green, glabrous. Stems with distinct fastigiate branching, particularly dense in upper parts; younger, green, moderately succulent, terete to slightly angular, appearing leafless; older becoming woody, with greyish bark. Leaves reduced to very small triangular scales, connate in pairs into short sheaths. Spikes short, rather dense, terminating all upper branches. Flowers solitary, surpassing small  bracts, bisexual. Perianth 1.5-2.5 mm long; 3 outer tepals broadly ovate, 2 inner much narrower; in fruiting stage 6-9 mm diam., outer with large, overlapping, cochleare, erect wings, inner wingless or with rudimentary wings, wing colour at first whitish, finally straw-coloured, in between often yellow, pink or brownish. Fruit laterally flanened to globular, berry-like, purplish, topped by short stigmas. Fl. 8-9. In open semi-desert community on gypsum- and salt containing marly substrates disturbed by erosion or by sedimentation. 450-950 m.

From SE. European Russia to Mongolia, southwards to Transcaucasia and N. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element. 

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