Beta trigyna

 Beta trigyna

Kır pazısı

Glabrous perennial herb, over 1 m. Basal leaves with very long petioles, elongate-cordate, the upper triangular-cordate to elongate-deltoid, crinkled along their margins. Inflorescence paniculate, often condensed, many-flowered. Flowers 3-5 mm, uniting in groups of 2-3, with lanceolate bracts. Perianth segments large, broad, petaloid; the lower, united part of the perianth short, not angled. Fl. 5-7. Steppe, roadsides, cultivated land, s.I.-2200 m.

C. Europe, Balkans, S. Russia, Crimea, Caucasus, Transcaspia, Iran.




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