Allium amethystinum

Allium amethystinum

Ege soğanı


Bulb subglobose, 1.5-2 cm diam.; outer tunics white, membranous; bulblets usually absent, if present greyish-yellow with reticulate surface. Leaves 3-5, fistulose, 2-8 mm broad, canaliculate, usually carinate and withered at anthesis. Spathe 2-7 cm, 1-valved, beaked, caducous. Umbel 2.5-6.5 cm diam., pedicels of central flowers twice as long as others, forming a secondary  inflorescence at anthesis. Perianth cylindrical; segments purple, narrowly oblong or oblong-elliptic, obtuse or truncate; outer ones 3-4.5 mm, usually shorter and broader than inner. Filaments exserted, ciliate at base; median cusp of inner filaments equalling or shorter than basal lamina and 1.5 x shorter than lateral cusps. Capsule c. 4 mm, subtriquetrous-globose, protruding from perianth. 2n = 16. Fl. 5-6. Pinus forest, Poterium macchie, shady hills, rocky limestone slopes, fields, ruins, 10-1585 m.

C.& E. parts of Mediterranean area. Medit. element.

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