Allium hirtovaginatum

Allium hirtovaginatum

Kıllı soğan

Sin: A.cupani ssp hirtovaginatum

Bulb narrowly ov.oid, 0.7-1.5 cm diam.; outer tunics fibrous-reticulate, prolonged up to base of stem. Stem 10-30 cm. Leaves 3-5, filiform, 0.4-1.5 mm broad, sheaths pubescent or villous. Spathe 1-valved, 1.5-2 cm, tubular at base, persistent. Umbel fastigiate, 2-4 cm diam., few-flowered. Pedicels to 4 cm, very unequal. Perianth cylindrical; segments whitish, brownish-white, pink, purple or purplish-violet wim'darker midvein, linear-oblong, 6-7 mm, obtuse, retuse or acute, slightly reflexed at apex. Filaments nearly equal in breadth, 2/3 xperianth. Capsule 4mm. Fl. 6-8. Pinus nigra forest, among Quercus, phrygana. alpine and grey steppe, rocky places on limestone, serpentine and schist, fallow fields, s.l.-2200 m.

N. Africa, Balearic Is., S. Greece, Aegean. Medit. element. 

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