Allium purpureoviride

Allium purpureoviride

Renkli soğan

Bulb ovoid, 2.5-3.0 cm high, 2-3 cm in diameter, outer tunics blackish, disintegrating, inner tunic white. Scape 20-35 cm long above ground, slightly flexuous, cylindrical, 2-3 mm in diameter, slightly canaliculate, basal part green or flushed carmine. Leaves 1-2, lanceolate, 1.4-2.2 cm wide and 15 -25 cm long, greyish-green with glaucous bloom, carmine near base, near base convolute and becoming slightly canaliculate, with narrow white margin, slightly serrate or smooth. Spathe most often completely split in 2 triangular parts, initially adpressed to the pedicels and later defl exed, faintly light brown with somewhat darker veins. Inflorescence fastigiate at fl owering time, semispherical in fruit, not dense, ca 3 cm high and 1-5 cm in diameter. Pedicels cylindrical, up to 2 cm long, almost equal, greenish or slightly carmine-fl ushed and glossy. Perianth segments initially defl exed, later inrolled. Tepals linear-ovate, slightly boat-shaped, obtuse to sub-acute at apex, 5-6 mm long and ca 1 mm wide, greenish white with a wide, dark green median vein and pale green bands running along the median vein. Filaments 4/5 as long as tepals, fleshy, basally united, triangular, dark purple, almost 1.2 mm long, greenish white apically. Anthers oblong, ca 2 mm long and 1 mm wide, yellow or purple. Ovary attached to the strongly thickened tip of the pedicels, depressed-globose with six furrows, 1.5 mm long, 1.5 -2.0 mm in diameter, glossy, initially dark purple, finally green. Style cylindrical, 1.5-2.0 mm long, initially carmine, later white. Stigma deeply  tri-lobed. Capsule obconical-obovate, with three longitudinal furrows, 5-6 mm long. Flowering in May-June, fruiting in June -July.

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Deniz Kılıç

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