Bupleurum falcatum

Bupleurum falcatum

Ssp cernuum: Çataltavşan; Ssp persicum: Kayaçatalı; Ssp polyphyllum: Bolşeytan

Perennial , 2-70 cm, stems simple, or sparsely branched to richy paniculate above. Basal leaves linear to oblanceolate and petiolate; cauline leaves sessile , linear to oblanceolate, 1-2,3 mm broad, 1-9-veined. Rays 2-14. Bracts 1-3, unequal. Bracteoles usually 5, obovate to lanceolate, 1-3-veined, acuminate to mucronate, shorter to longer than pedicels. Petals yellow, sometimes purplish in bud. Fruit elliptic-oblong to oblong, 3-5 mm, ridges illiform to narrowly winged; dorsal vittae 1-5 in each vallecula; commissural vittae 2-10.

1- Cauline leaves oblong- to linear-oblanceolate, 5-23 mm broad, 5-9-veined, usually green; rays subequal, 5-14; bracteoles oblong-acuminate, 1-2 x as long as pedicels; fruits with wings up to 0,6 mm broad; stems always erect, sturdy, usually 30-70 cm, with long peduncles.  subsp. polyphyllum element. )

1- Cauline leaves usually linear, narrower , 5-veined, glaucous; rays very unequal, 3-8; bracteoles obovate-oblong to lanceolate, shorter than pedicels to 2 x as long; fruits with ridges very narrowly winged or wingless; stems erect or ascending, 2-60 cm, with long or short peduncles

  2. Caudex suffrutescent or rarely strongly suffruticose; cauline leaves rather numerous; stems leafy, 15-70 cm, usually erect, slender, paniculate above, bearing ascending or spreading, long or short peduncles; bracteoles attenuate, often lanceolate, ½ -1 ½ x as long as pedicels subsp.  cernuum

  2. Caudex short, ± praemorse; leaves mostly basal, linear-oblanceolate; stems . 2-30 cm, erect or ascending, sturdy, simple or bearing a few long ascendingerect peduncles; bracteoles obovate-oblong, cuspidate or shortly acuminate, 1 ½ -2 x as long as pedicels subsp. persicum

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