Bupleurum lophocarpum

Bupleurum lophocarpum

Gülek şeytanayağı

Erect annual, 25-70 cm, stem thick. Cauline leaves 2,5-6 cm, elliptic to ovate, perfoliate except lowest ones, upper leaves almost orbicular. Rays 5-12, unequal. Outer umbellules with 3 large and 2 small bracteoles, central ones often with 1 large and 0-3 smaller. Outer umbellules 14-18-flowered. Petals yellow, 0,5-0,65 mm. Anthers 0,5-0,6 mm. Stylopodium 1,3-1,7 mm broad, styles 0,65-0,75 mm. Fruit 5 mm or longer, smooth, ridges forming wings c. 0,5 mm broad, the 3 median ones with 11-15 flexuose bulges. Fl. 6-7. In Pinus forest, on scree and rocks, 500-1250 m.

Endemic. E. Medit. element.

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