Ferulago glareosa

Ferulago glareosa

Sürek kişnişi

Perennial, entirely glabrous; rootstock oblique, solitary, woody, c. 1.3 cm broad, apically with, or without, a few petiolar remains. Stems c. 30-50 cm high, terete, finely ridged, solid,  purplish, c. 1.5 mm in diameter at soil level. Leaves triangular in outline, mostly basal, 2-3-pinnate with few distant filiform ultimate segments, c. 4-5 cm long and regularly 0.5 mm wide; petiole with an inconspicuous basal sheath. Inflorescence loose, paniculate-corymbose with few branches; umbels compound, few; rays 4-7, subequal, 30-40 mm long; secondary rays 7-10. Bracts 2-4, c. 2 mm long; bracteoles 3-5, 1.5-2 mm long; bracts and bracteoles persistent, without veins. Flowers polygamous, innermost flowers of an umbellule usually male, outer ones hermaphrodite or female; sepals minute; petals yellow, 0.6 mm long. Mericarps broad-elliptic, glabrous, dorsally somewhat compressed, c. 6.5-7 × 3-4 mm, retuse at base; primary ridges relatively well-developed; lateral ridges scarcely different but with an indistinct membranous, not undulate wing; vittae not superficially visible; dorsal vittae 18-24; commissural vittae 12-14. Endosperm flat.


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