Heracleum amanum

Heracleum amanum

Amanos öğrekotu

Biennial, 0.9–1.2 m tall, aromatic herb. Stem solitary, 1.5–2.5 cm diameter below, finely striate-sulcate, glabrous in the lower part, subglabrous to sparsely pubescence in the upper part. Basal leaves 1-pinnate with pinnatisect segments or 2 pinnate; primary pinnae 3–4-paired; lamina triangular oblong and 40–70 cm long. Terminal leaf trisect. Ultimate lobes of leaves ovate to oblong, acute and dentate. All leaves sparsely short-adpressed pubescent above, more densely short-adpressed pubescent below with ovate-oblong sheaths. Central umbels 5–15 cm pedunculated. Rays 15–40, unequal, 4–10 cm in fruiting stage, short pubescent-setulose. Bracts 0. Bracteoles 0–1, filiform. Sepals and petals minute. Petals greenish white. Ovaries adpressed setulose. Stylopodium conical, 0.5–0.7 mm in flower, 1–1.5 in fruit. Style 1.5–2 mm in flower, the same length or deciduous in fruit. Mature mericarps obovate-orbiculate, c. 10 × 9 mm, occasionally adpressed setulose, emarginate, notch depth 1–1.5 mm. Endosperm 2.5–3.5 × 0.2–0.6 mm in cross-section, not extending up to the margins of the mericarp and not separating dorsal and commissural vittae from each other, c. 2/3–6/7 of the width of the marginal dorsal vittae are in contact with  commissural surface. Commissural pericarp thin , translucent here, dorsal vittae becoming visible in the commissural surface. Dorsal vittae 4, broadly clavate c. 1–2 mm broad, c. ½ to ¾ as long as mericarp. Commissural vittae 4; the two central ones broadly clavate, c. 0.8–1 mm broad and ¼ as long as the mericarp; the two lateral ones ½ as long as mericarp.

Flowering time: From May to July
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