Tordylium cappadocicum

Tordylium cappadocicum

Peri davulotu

Minutely scabrous branching annual. Stems 30-50 cm high, striate to slightly angular. Basal leaves unknown. Cauline leaves pinnate with 1-2 pairs of ovate to cuneate, crenate leaflets with short petioles; terminal leaflets 3-sect, crenate. Umbels 15-30-rayed, rays slender, minutely scabrous, unequal. Bracts 7-8, broadly lanceolate, densely hirsute with well-developed membranaceous and ciliate margins, slightly deflexed; bracteoles subequal in length, lanceolate, hirsute, with membranaceous ciliate margins, not exceeding fruiting pedicels. Flowers yellowish in dried specimens, 35-40 per umbellule. Mericarps broadly elliptic, 5-7 x4-5 mm; margins strongly thickened and moniliform. Abaxial face of mericarps with long thin hairs. Dorsal vittae 4, the peripheral ones covered by the thickened margins, commissural 2. FI. 5-6. Fields, river banks. 
Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element?
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