Tordylium elegans

Tordylium elegans

Narin davulotu


Slightly scabrous to almost glabrous branching annual. Stems 20-40 cm high, striate to slightly angular. Basal and lower cauline leaves remotely 1-2-pinnate, leaflets short-petioled, ovate to obovate, deeply crenate, terminal trilobed; upper cauline leaves 1-2-pinnate with a trisect terminal lobe, leaflets and lobes linear. Umbels 8-10-rayed, rays slender, subequal, slightly scabrous. Bracts 8-10, linear, scabrous, deflexed; bracteoles 2-4, linear, half or less the length of the pedicels, deflexed. Flowers white, 10-12 per umbellule. Mericarps dimorphic: peripheral ones in the umbellules compressed, elliptic to orbicular, 7-10 x 6-9 mm, with a thin broad wing and slightly thickened, almost smooth margins; the inner ones hemispherical, 2,5-4 mm diam. Abaxial face of mericarps with small papillae or smooth. Dorsal vittae 4, the median ones interrupted in the middle, the outer ones long, clavate, commissural 2. Fl. 4-5. Rocky places, fields, roadsides, s.l.-2140 m.

Endemic. E. Medit. element.

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