Tordylium maximum
Tordylium maximum
Koca davulotu
Annual or biennial. Sterns 30-120 cm high, with deflexed bristly hairs, striate, usually branching from the middle upwards. Basal and lower cauline leaves 2-pinnate with 2-3 pairs of ovate to cuneate-elliptic, sessile, crenate leaflets, terminal cuneate-elliptic; upper cauline leaves with lanceolate to linear, coarsely dentate segments, cuneate at the base, sometimes only terminal segments present. Umbels 5-15-rayed, rays stiff, scabrous, unequal. Bracts 5-7, linear, scabrous, deflexed; bracteoles 5, very unequal, linear, scabrous, longest ones ± equal to or shorter than fruiting pedicels. Flowers white, 12-16 per umbellule. Mericarps elliptic to suborbicular, 5-8 mm long, 4-6 mm broad; abaxial face with stiff adpressed hairs, margins thickened, smooth or slightly moniliform. Dorsal vittae 4, commissural 2n = 10, 2n = 22. Fl. 5-6. Fields, waste ground, roadsides, 500-1200 m.
C., S. & W. Europe, Crimea, S. Russia, Caucasia, N. Iran.