Torilis nodosa
Torilis nodosa
Boncuklu dercikotu
Usually procumbent, stems 7-50 cm, retrorsely setose. Leaves 2-pinnate, the segments toothed to pinnatifid, strigose. Umbels all leaf-opposed, borne on very short peduncles, which, like the rays, are hidden by the flowers and fruit. Rays 3-5. Bracts 0. Petals white, minute. Fruit usually composed of 2 differing mericarps, the outer with long, papillose, patent spines arranged in 9 obscure rows, and with short adpressed setae in the intervals between the 5 dorsal-most rows; the inner mericarp usually covered with short, conical, papillose tubercles. Fl 4-6. Macchie,fields, hills, ditches, s.l.-1000 m.
W. & C. Europe, Mediterranean area, most of S.W. Asia, Turkestan.