Torilis tenella

Torilis tenella

Zarif dercikotu

Erect, little branched, stems up to 40 cm, retrorsely setose. Leaves 2-pinnate, the ultimate segments entire, linear, less than 1 mm broad, sparsely strigose. Umbels terminal. Rays 4-12, markedly unequal in length in fruit, strigose. Bracts O. Bracteoles lanceolate, strigose, shorter than the flowers. Petals white, c. 1 mm. Fruit linear-cylindric, 4-5 x 0,5 mm. Mericarps with 4 secondary ridges bearing narrow, patent to slightly reflexed, slightly broad-based, papillose spines; primary ridges bearing adpressed hairs. Fl. 3-7. Open rocky slopes, s.l-1650 m.
Greece, Egypt, Libya, Georgia, W. Iran, Khorassan, N. Iraq, W. Syria, Syrian Desert, Cyprus.
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