Torilis triradiata

Torilis triradiata

Üç dercikotu

Stem erect, c. 30 cm, retrorsely setose. Leaves 2-pinnate, the ultimate segments dentate, less than 1 mm broad, strigose. Inflorescences leaf-opposed and terminal. Rays 2-4, strigose, widely spreading. Bracts O. Braeteoles setaceous, strigose, exceeding the flowers. Flowers sessile in the umbellule. Petals white, minute. Ovary covered with evenly distributed spines. Fruit ovoid, c. 2,5 x2 mm, densely covered with ± upwardly arching papillae , spines absent. Fl. 4-6. Rocky places, 250-950 m.
Endemic. E. Medit. element.
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