Vincetoxicum speciosum

Vincetoxicum speciosum

Kara gavurbiberi

Whole plant velutinous. Stem erect or procumbent, to 70 cm, simple. Leaves 5-10 x 4-8 cm, subsessiIe, broadly ovate, apex obtuse to acuminate, base cordate. Cymes 5-15-f1owered, sessile or subsessile; pedicels c. 5-6 mm. Calyx lobes Ianceolate. Corolla dark purple to almost blackish, to 12 mm diam.; lobes oblong, with straight hairs on upper surface. Follicles to 7 cm, fusiform, tomentose. Fl. 5-7. In scrub and meadows, among limestone boulders, c.450 m.
Balkans, incl. Aegean;E. Medit. element.
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