Aristolochia hirta
Aristolochia hirta
Rootstock cylindrical. Plant shortly hirsute in all parts. Stems erect, 15-50 cm, simple or branched. Leaves triangular to ovate-triangular, 3-11 x 28 cm, margins straight, rarely inflexed in middle, apex acute or obtuse, often mucronate, base cordate with short, rounded, often incurved auricles; petiole 4-25 mm, Peduncles 1.5-6.5 cm, Perianth 3.5-8 cm, greyish-brown outside, utricle 8-17 x 5-15 mm, ovoid to ovoid-oblong; tube U-curved, 2-8 mm broad at base, dilated above to 7-15 mm; limb 1.5-4.5 cm, ovate with incurved lateral margins, obtuse or retuse at one or both ends, inside maroon, often with greenish blotches and bearing long white hairs. Ovary hirsute. Capsule ellipsoid-oblong. Fl. 3-6. Fallow land, rough stony ground, vineyards and shady places in pine woods, s.l.-1200m.
Endemic. E. Medit, element. Closely related to A. bodamae.