Aristolochia incisa

Aristolochia incisa

Karga düveleği

Rootstock cylindrical. Stems 15-25 cm, simple or branched, slender, shortly hirtellous. Leaves cordate-ovate, 1.5-3.5 x 1.2-2 em, cartilaginous denticulate or crisply crenulate, obtuse, rnucronulate, shortly hirtellous, auricles rounded, obtuse; petiole 4-7 mm. Peduncles slightly longer than petioles. Perianth 3.5- cm, brownish-black to brownish-purple outside; utricle c. 5 x c. 4 mm, globose to ovate; tube U-curved, c. 2 mm broad at base, scarcely dilated above; limb longer than tube, ovate-oblong, hairy inside, obtuse or emarginate, Ovary hirtellous. Capsule unknown. Fl. 4-5. Fields, shady banks and chalky hills, 500-1350 m.

Endemic, recently rediscovered in Anatolia. E. Medit. element.

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