Asparagus coodei

Asparagus coodei


Erect glaucescent herb of pyramidal habit, 12-38 cm. Main stem striate, flexuous below, glabrous or minutely scabridulous on ridges, internodes only 5-15 mm, branched almost from ground level Primary and secondary branches widely divaricate or patent 70-90°. Spur 0-0.5 mm. Cladode fascicles approximate or overlapping. Cladodes 6-10 per fascicle, unequal, obtusely pentagonal, corners sparsely papillose, 3-8 x 0.2 mm, erecto-patent, apex mucronulate. Flowers 1-4 in branch axils, and sometimes in cladode fascicles. Pedicels 4-8 mm, articulate at or below middle. Male perianth 6-8 mm, chocolate brown, inner segments paler than outer ones. Anthers 1.75 mm. Berries orange to red, c. 10-11 mm. Fl. 5. Limestone rocks, slopes with Quercus coccifera and Juniperus, wheatfields, 1100-1300 m.

Endemic. E. Medit. element.

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Özgür Koçak

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Özgür Koçak

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Özgür Koçak