Asparagus lycaonicus
Asparagus lycaonicus
Prostrate herb, glaucescent when dry. Stem striate, 8-27 cm, minutely papillose on ridges, shortly once or twice branched. Branches 0.5-3 cm, divaricate to patent. Spur to 0.75 mm. Fascicles conferted. Cladodes 4-6 per fascicle, erecto-patent, short, fleshy, 2-6 x 0.5 mm, obtusely hexagonal, angles shortly papillose, apex subobtuse and mucronulate. Flowers unknown. Pedicels solitary in axils of primary branches, 5-6 mm in fruit, articulate near middle. Berry red, 6-8 mm diam., subtended by 2-2.5 mm perianth segments; seeds c. 4. Fr. 8. Saline plain nr salt lake, c. 1000 m.
Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element.