Bellevalia bayburtensis

Bellevalia bayburtensis

Bayburt sümbülü

Bulb pyriform to globose-elliptic, 15−22 × 25−34 mm, outer tunic coriaceous and blackish-brown, inner tunic papery and beige to yellowish-brown. Leaves 2, linear-lanceolate, falcately recurved, strongly canaliculate, 8−15 × 0.8 −2 cm, glaucous-green; margin slightly membranous, smooth or slightly scabrid at the base. Scape 4−6 cm long, solitary. Inflorescence a cylindrical raceme, 10−38 flowered, with functionally 0 to 6 sterile flowers, 2−5 cm long. Bracts entire, minute, green, lanceolate to oblong, acute. Pedicels distinctly shorter than flowers and capsules, 2−4 mm long during flowering, erect at the beginning of anthesis, recurved in later stages; 3−5 mm long during fruiting, erect or erecto-patent. Flowering bud tube azure blue to sky blue; lobes slightly purplish-blue or greenish-blue. Flowers 6−8 × 4−5 mm, tubular-campanulate; tube 4−5 mm long, azure, purplish blue to sky blue at first, change to pale dirty brownish-blue to pale dirty purplish-blue at the end of flowering; lobes 2−3 × 2−3 mm; outer lobes widely ovate, pale dirty brownish-blue to pale dirty purplish-blue; inner lobes orbicular, dark bluish-purple at middle with wide yellowish margins. Stamens in 2 series, with flat, triangular, 1−1.5 mm long, yellowish, basally connate filaments, attached just below the base of perigone lobes; anthers yellowish. Pistil yellowish-green; ovary 2.5−3 mm long; style ca. 2 mm long. Capsule obconical, shortly stipitate, distinctly triquetrous; valves mostly unequal, 10−15 mm long, 4−6 mm diam. Seeds oblong-elliptic, smooth, ca. 2.5−4 x 1.6−2.5 mm, dark brownish, testa pulverulent.


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