Hyacinthella nervosa

Hyacinthella nervosa

 Arap kopçası

Leaves 2, first one 5-20 mm broad, second one c. half as broad, undulate twisted, margin scabrid to ciliolate, ± purplish-tinged towards base. Raceme 10-25-flowered, rather dense, spike-like. Flowers ±sessile. Perianth ascending, blue, sometimes with a violet tinge, 7-9 mm, ±tubular, lobes c. Half as long as tube, somewhat spreading. Anthers nearly reaching apex of perianth lobes. 2n =24. Fl. 3-4. White chalky soil, steep slopes in open, barren country, disturbed steppe with marly soil, rocky limestone slopes, vineyards, 550-1100 m.
W. Syria, Syrian Desert. Ir.-Tur. element.
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