Hyacinthella campanulata

Hyacinthella campanulata

Konya sümbülü

Leaves 2, first one 6-15 mm broad, second c. half as broad, glabrous with smooth margin, somewhat undulate, ± purplish-tinged, glaucous. Scape c. 7 cm at anthesis, to 16 cm in fruit. Raceme 4-12-flowered, rather lax. Pedicels 1.5-3 mm at anthesis, ascending, elongating to 8 mm in fruit. Perianth pale blue, 4.5-5.5 mm, campanulate; lobes nearly as long as tube, broadly ovate, obtuse, emucronate. 2n = 18. Fl. 4. Stony hillsides, limestone cliffs, 1100-1300 m.

Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element.

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