Leopoldia elmasii

Leopoldia elmasii

 Elmas müşkürüm

Bulb globose to ovoid, 25–35 × 2030 mm, without bulblets. Outer tunic membranaceous, very thin textured, pale brown, sometimes pinkish; inner scales fleshy, pinkish. Leaves 34, linear-lanceolate, erecto-patent to patent, 1022 cm × 618 mm, canaliculate, glabrous, apex acute. Scape 1, 711 cm. Raceme dense, cylindrical, 48 cm × 1.52.5 cm; number of fertile flowers 10–35, number of sterile flowers 9–26. Bract minute. Sterile flowers narrowly obconical-cylindrical, 36 mm, pinkish to violaceous; pedicels 3–10 mm long, pinkish to violaceous. Fertile flowers cylindrical, shoulders sharply angled; subsessile, rarely with 2–3 mm pedicel in flowers; pedicel very slightly elongate in fruit or stays at same length; tube 912 × 24 mm, pinkish at buds and early stage of flowering time; change to yellowish brown or yellowish-pink at proximal and dark maroon to brown distally; mostly with 6 purplish-pink prominent main veins; lobes 0.5–1 mm, greenish-yellow, erect to slightly recurved. Stamen biseriate, above middle of tube; filaments 1–1.5 mm, anther dark purple. Pollen grains pale yellow, monosulcate, outline plano-convex in equatorial longitudinal view, circular in equatorial elliptic in polar view; polar axis 23–29 μm longer, equatorial diameter 32–40 μm; shape oblate; exine pattern ornamentation macroreticulate, reticulum heterobrochate. Ovary light green to yellowish green, narrowly conical, 3–3.5 mm; style yellowish-green, c. 2 mm, stigma punctate. Capsule broadly obconical to slightly orbicular, obtuse, or emarginate, 1–1.5 × 1.5–2 cm, valves compressed. Seeds 3–6 per capsule, c. 2 mm wide, subglobose; surface smooth, black. Flowering and fruiting in May–June.
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