Leopoldia massayana

Leopoldia massayana

 Şah müşkürüm

Bulb 2-6 mm diam., without offsets; tunics ivory. Leaves 2-4, subpatent, falcate or sinuate, linear, to 25 cm x 10-25 mm, thick, deeply canaliculate, glaucous, apex cucullate. Scape stout, to 15-22 em, mauvish. Raceme dense, cylindrical, 5-12 x 2-3 cm, many-flowered. Pedicels of fertile flowers only 0.5-4 mm. Fertile flowers in bud pink to violaceous, at anthesis oblong-cylindrical, 7-11 x 3-5 mm, slightly waisted, at first violaceous, at anthesis becoming light greenish or yellowish-brown; lobes dark to blackish. Pedicels of sterile flowers ascending to patent, 2-4 mm, forming a dense fleshy coma. Sterile flowers closed, 2-4 mm, pink or bright violet-pink. Capsule adpressed-orbicular, to 15 x 22 mm, deeply trilobed, apparently shed without dehiscing. 2n = 18. Fl. 5-6. Calcareous screes and fallow fields, dry Pinus forest, 800-2000 m.
Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element.
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