Muscari atillae

Muscari atillae

Bulb globose to ovoid, 814 mm in diameter, with or without bulblets. Outer tunics papery, pale dull brown to brown; inner tunics pinkish white to creamy white. Leaves 23, linear-lanceolate, mostly patent, 37 × 0.30.5 cm, canaliculate to subflattened, sometimes purplish suffused, glabrous, acute. Scape 1, 38 cm long, overtopping leaves. Raceme lax, ovate to cylindrical, 12 × 11.5 cm; number of fertile flowers 2–11, number of sterile flowers 2–6. Pedicels of sterile flowers to 0.5 mm. Sterile flowers narrowly obovate-oblong, 13.5 mm long, very pale violet to ice blue sometimes ivory-white. Pedicels to 1 mm long, elongating in fruit to 2 mm. Fertile flowers ovoid to ovoid-tubular, hardly constricted distally, 34.5 × 23.5 mm, blackish to very dark purplish; lobes 0.3–0.5 mm long, pale yellowish-white to cream-white, erect to slightly recurved with recurved cucullate and papillate apex. Stamen sub-biseriate, filaments 0.3–0.5 mm long, arising below the middle of the tube; anthers and pollen purplish-blue;. Ovary yellowish-green, subglobose, ca. 1 mm long; style cream, ca.1 mm long; stigma punctate. Capsule broadly ovate to  orbicular, obtuse or emarginate, 48 × 712 mm, valves compressed. Seeds 3–5 per capsule, 1.52 2 mm, ovoid-globose; surface smooth, pruinose, black. Flowering and fruiting in March–April.
Endemic. Ir. Tur. element. 
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