Centaurea solstitialis

Centaurea solstitialis

Ssp carneola: Al kababaş; Ssp pyracantha: Kababaş dikeniSsp solstitialis: Çakırdikeni
Annual, 15-60 cm, adpressed-tomentose. Basal and lower leaves lyrate to pinnatipartite with 3-4 pairs of lateral segments, median and upper lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, lobed or toothed to entire, decurrent into narrow entire wings. Involucre 13-16 x 8-12mm, arachnoid-tomentose. Appendage a patent straw-coloured or red 8-25 nn spine, with 2-3 spinules on each side at base, outer phyllaries with short spinules. Flowers yellow or pink, marginal not radiant. Achenes 2-3 mm, dimorphic: marginal dull, blackish, without pappus; central glossy, greyish to brown, with white pappus, 3-4 mm. Fl. 6-8. Pinus forests, dry slopes, fallow fields, waste places, s.l.-1900 m.
1.Flowers pink……………………………ssp carneola
1.Flowers yellow
   2.Spines straw-coloured , usually over 15 mm …ssp solstitialis 
   2.Spines suffused with red, slender, mostly shorter than 15 mm…ssp pyracantha 
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ssp solstitialis
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ssp solstitialis

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