Cirsium macrobotrys

Cirsium macrobotrys

 Öküz kangalı

Biennial, 30-200 cm. Stem unbranched, unwinged, arachnoid. Median cauline leaves semi-amplexicaul, oblong, pinnatisect, lateral lobes bifid, 3-8-paired, triangular to narrowly triangular, lateral and terminal lobes with weak to moderately stout 3-14 mm apical spine; spinose-strigose above with setae 0.2-2.5 mm, otherwise glabrous; arachnoid below. Uppermost leaves 6-10, longer or shorter than involucre. Involucres erect, subsessile, spicate, 5-12 at stem apex, subglobose-ovoid or angulate-ovoid to broadly obovoid, 20-35 mm. Phyllaries glabrous below, arachnoid at apices, c. 8-10-seriate; outer longer than or equal in length to median; median c. 13-19 mm incl. weak reflexed, recurved or ± erect c. 1-2 x 0.1 mm apical spine. Corollas ochroleucous, whitish-pink or purplish-pink, 23-28 mm. Achenes c. 5.5 mm. Pappus 22-24 mm. Fl. 7-9. In cultivated fields , pastures, waste land, 1067-3200 m.
Soviet Azerbaijan, Caucasus, N. Iran .
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