Betula litwinowii


Betula litwinowii


Syn: B.recurvata
Tree to 15-18m, usually with twisted trunk. Bark of old trunk whitish and as a rule a little pinkish; younger trunk and branches yellowish or reddishbrown. Young twigs and petioles downy with resin-glands. Leaves 3-5.5 x 24 cm, ± pubescent beneath on veins, especially near base of lamina, almost glabrous when adult. Strobiles pendulous, 2-3.5 x 0.8-1.2 cm. Fruit scales 3.55 mm, their lobes short, broad, rounded and only slightly erecto-patent or spreading: Wings to 1.5 x as broad as nutlet. Fl. 4-5. Rocky igneous slopes, in Quercus and Spiraea scrub, 1600-2500 m.
Caucasia. Euxine element? 
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