Betula pendula


Betula pendula


Huş ağacı
Tree to 25-30 m. Bark smooth and white. Twigs glabrous with numerous adpressed resin glands. Leaves 3-7 x 2.5-5.5 cm, ovate-deltoid, acuminate, broadly cuneate or rarely almost truncate at base, sharply 2-serrate, glabrous, with 6-7 pairs of lateral veins. Petiole 2-3 x shorter than lamina. Fruiting catkin 3 x 1 cm, pendulous. Fruit-scales with broad lateral lobes recurved downwards, central lobe deltoid, 1.5-2 x narrower than lateral. Nutlets narrowly ovoid with wings 2-3 x broader. Fl. 4-5. Scrub forest, rocky or volcanic slopes, 1800-3050 m.
Europe, Caucasia, N. Iraq, N. & N.W. Iran, W. Siberia. 
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