Anchusa stylosa

Anchusa stylosa


Sparsely tuberculate-strigose annual; stems erect, 20-50 cm. Leaves 30-80 x 10-15 mm, lanceolate to elliptic, obscurely repand-dentate. Inflorescence compact in flower, elongating considerably in fruit; upper bracts small. Calyx 5-6 mm in flower and fruit, strigose, divided almost to base into linear obtuse lobes. Corolla violet-blue, actinomorphic, tube 6-10 mm, lobes c. 3 mm; scales with minute subglobose papillae at tip, papillae sometimes longer towards the base. Stamens inserted at about middle of tube. Style 2-3 x calyx in fruit. Nutlets c. 2-5 x 2 mm, obliquely ovoid. Fl. 4-8. Disturbed soil, banks, 50-700 m.
Balkans, S. Russia. 
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