Caccinia macranthera

Caccinia macranthera

Koca hodan


Biennial or perennial, bushy, 20-50 cm. Stem branched from base, glabrous. Basal leaves obovate to elliptic, 4,5-10,5 x 2-4 cm, petiolate, obtuse, margins smooth; cauline lanceolate to oblong, 4,5-10 x 1,3-2,5 cm, sessile, obtuse to subacute, margins ± aculeolate. Calyx 8-12 mm at anthesis, to 20 mm diam. in fruit. Corolla mid- to sky-blue, tube 8-15 mm, lobes 6-9 mm. Nutlets 5-11 mm, depressed-ovoid, puberulous, margin dentate. Fallow fields on sandy soil, banks, hillsides, dry slopes, steppe, nr s.l.-1900 m.

1. Inflorescence branches arising from near stem base; leaves thin in texture; biennial .........var. macranthera

1. Inflorescence branches arising in upper ½ of stem; leaves fleshy to leathery in texture; perennial .......var. crassifolia , Afghanistan, Pakistan, Pamir-Alai mts. Distribution of species: as its varieties. Ir-.Tur. element.)

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