Mattiastrum calycinum

Mattiastrum calycinum

 Bozkır çarşağı

Biennial, adpressed-strigose, glabrescent below. Stems 1-2, 13-50 cm, erect. Early basal leaves broadly ovate; later ones narrowly oblong, 20-70 x 2-10 mm, cauline narrowly oblong, rarely ovate. Inflorescence corymbose or thyrsoid-paniculate. Pedicels usually shorter than calyx. Calyx lobes 7-10 mm. Corolla 10-13 mm, tube 2-3 x length of deeply, obtusely lobed limb. Scales 1·9-3 mm, oblong-linear, base hastate, gradually tapering to obtuse, not or only slightly incurving apex. Anthers 0·7-2·6 mm. Style 11-15 mm. Nutlets orbicular, 6·5-9.5 mm diam., wing entire or denticulate. Fl. 5-6. Open limestone slopes, steppe, 400-2050 m.
Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. Closely allied to P. ancyritanum and P. paphlagonicum.
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