Mattiastrum pulumurense

Mattiastrum pulumurense

Pülümür çarşakotu

Perennial, pleicorm. Stem tufted, erect or suberect, 10–20-cm-long, branched in the upper half, glabrous at the base, sparsely adpressed-hirsute to glabrescent at the upper part. Basal leaves numerous, gradually tapering into basal, oblong-oblanceolate or linear-oblong, rarely obovate, 10–50 × 3–10 mm, glabrous above, sparsely adpressed strigose below; cauline leaves sessile, oblong-oblanceolate or linear-oblong, 5–20 × 1–4 mm, glabrescent above, sparsely adpressed strigose below.  Inflorescence corymbose-paniculate, up to 20-flowered; pedicel 2–12-mm-long at anthesis, up to 20 mm at fruiting, adpressed-hirsute. Calyx divided nearly to the base, sepals oblong lanceolate or oblong, 7–11 × 1–3 mm at anthesis, longer at fruiting, glabrescent to glabrous outside, hirsute at margin, glabrous inside. Corolla longer than calyx, campanulate, 5–16-mm-long, tube and limb equal or tube shorter than limb, tube 2–8-mm-long, limb 3–8-mm-long, lobes 1–2 × 1.5–4 mm, rounded at apex. Scales linear, gradually tapering into an erect slightly acute apex, 3–3.5-mm-long; appendage absent. Base of anthers situated above base of scales, anthers 2.5–4.5-mm-long. Style exerted from calyx, 10–15-mm-long, stigma slightly spherical. Nutlets orbicular, 10–11 mm in diameter; disc sparsely glochidiate; wing flat, 1–2-mm-wide, nonglochidiate; margin ± entire or denticulate, glochidiate.

Phenology: Anthesis May to June; fruiting season June to July.

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