Myosotis laxa
Myosotis laxa
Annual or biennial, to 40 cm, branched, with antrorse adpressed hairs. Leaves to 8 x 1 cm, with short antrorse adpressed setae, glabrescent beneath, yellowish green, extending up to lowest flowers. Lowermost pedicels elongate to 1 cm, patent to indistinctly deflexed. Fruiting calyces to 5 mm, divided to 1/2, deciduous. Limb of corolla to 5 mm diam., ± flat, bright blue. Nutlets to 1,7 mm, blackish brown, ovoid, obtuse, truncate at base, with spongy tissue at attachment scar. F/. 5-8. Wet places, s.I.-2000 m.
Europe , Asia, eastern N. America. Subsp. laxa is confined to N. America.