Myosotis uncata


Myosotis uncata


Kısa kuşgözü
Sin: M.ramosissima ssp uncata
Annual, 10-40 cm, stem erect softly patent-hairy, hairs adpressed above. Leaves c. 4 x 1 cm, lanceolate, obtuse, with patent straight hairs. Inflorescence lax, ebracteate; pedicels 3-5 mm in fruit , patent or recurved. Calyx to 5 mm in fruit, divided to c. ½ , half open, with many, often deflexed, hooked hairs at base, deciduous. Limb of corolla to 4 mm diam., saucer-shaped, bright blue. Nutlets 1,5x 1 mm, brown, without rim; attichment scar usually filled with spongy tissue.
1. Fruiting calyx 4-5 mm, with hooked hairs to 0,5 mm; lowermost pedicels to 5 mm, ± straight subsp. ramosissima
1. Fruiting calyx to 3 mm, with hooked hairs to 1 mm; lowermost pedicels to 2 mm, recurved subsp. uncata 
Endemic. E. Medit. element. 
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